Using HttpModules instead of Global.asax



Global.asax? Use HttpModules Instead!
In a previous post, I talked about HttpHandlers - an underused but
incredibly useful feature of ASP.NET. Today I want to talk about
HttpModules, which are probably more common than HttpHandlers, but
could still stand to be advertised a bit more.

HttpModules are incredibly easy to explain, so this will hopefully be a
short-ish post. Simply put, HttpModules are portable versions of the
global.asax. So, in your HttpModule you'll see things like
BeginRequest, OnError, AuthenticateRequest, etc. Actually, since
HttpModules implement IHttpModule, you actually only get Init (and
Dispose if you have any cleanup to do). The Init method passes in the
HttpApplication which lets you hook into all of those events. For
example, I have an ErrorModule that I use on most projects:

using System;
using System.Web;
using log4net;

namespace Fuel.Web
public class ErrorModule : IHttpModule
#region IHttpModule Members
public void Init(HttpApplication application)
application.Error += new EventHandler(application_Error);
public void Dispose() { }

public void application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
//handle error

Now, the code in my error handler is pretty simple:

HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
//get the inner most exception
Exception exception;
for (exception = ctx.Server.GetLastError(); exception.InnerException !=
null; exception = exception.InnerException) { }
if (exception is HttpException &&
((HttpException)exception).GetHttpCode() == 404)
logger.Warn("A 404 occurred", exception);
logger.Error("ErrorModule caught an unhandled exception", exception);

I'm just using a log4net logger to log the exception, if it's a 404 I'm
just logging it as a warning.

You can do this just as easily with a global.asax, but those things
aren't reusable across projects. That of course means that you'll end
up duplicating your code and making it hard to manage. With my
ErrorModule class, I just put it in a DLL, drop it in my bin folder and
add a couple lines to my web.config under <system.web>:

<add name="ErrorModule" type="Fuel.Web.ErrorModule, Fuel.Web" />

And voila, I have a global error in place.

In almost all cases, you should go with HttpModules over global.asax
because they are simply more reusable. As another example, my
localization stuff uses an HttpModule as the basis for adding a
multilingual framework to any application. Simply drop the DLL in the
bin and add the relevant line in your web.config and you're on your
way. Here's the important code from that module:

public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(context_BeginRequest);
public void Dispose() {}
private void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpRequest request = ((HttpApplication) sender).Request;
HttpContext context = ((HttpApplication)sender).Context;
string applicationPath = request.ApplicationPath;
if(applicationPath == "/")
applicationPath = string.Empty;
string requestPath =
//just a function that parses the path for a culture and sets the
CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture
LoadCulture(ref requestPath);
context.RewritePath(applicationPath + requestPath);

If you are developing a shrink-wrap product, you don't have a choice
but to use HttpModules, because the last thing you want is to ship a
global.asax which the user must use, overwriting the code in his own

The only time you want to use Global.asax is when using OutputCaching
with the VaryByCustom property. As far as I know, the
GetVaryByCustomString function _must_ be placed in the global.asax

Anyways, switching from Global.asax to HttpModules is pretty
straightforward. So I encourage you to look at where it makes sense
(ie, where you see the potential for reuse across applications) and
make it so.

Karl Seguin [MVP]

Is there a reason you're trying to pass off someone else's work as your own?
As the author for these three pieces, I'm glad you saw value in what I
wrote, but don't appreciate having it spammed in a help newsgroup (which I
happen to spend a lot of time in) and I don't appreciate you not linking
back to the original content.

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