Using CallByName for conversion function


Nacho Nachev


This is something that I should have known in the VB basics, but I didn't
and also it's not very Excel specific, but beacuse I am doing it in the
Excel context I guess it's relevant here.

I have the following call:

SomeFunction = CallByName(VBA, "CDbl", VbMethod, inputValue)

The problem is that I don't know the object in which the CDbl is defined.
Using VBA returns compiler error. I need to use this because "CDbl" will be

Thanks for you time,

Rob Bovey

Hi Nacho,

If you check the Object Browser you'll discover that CDbl is not a
property or method of a class, so you can't run it using CallByName. I'm not
clear why you would want to do so anyway, since CDbl is a global function
that can be used directly from anywhere in a VBA program.

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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Nacho Nachev

OK, I understand. I think I know what's the matter. Here's a quote from

"These functions are compiled inline, meaning the conversion code is part of
the code that evaluates the expression. Execution is faster because there is
no call to a procedure to accomplish the conversion. Each function coerces
an expression to a specific data type."

I.e. no other normal way to accomplish my task, than creating a wrapper
class module for the conversion functions.

I need to do this because the conversion method to use is defined from an
external add-on.

Thanks a lot for your time,

Rob Bovey

Hi Nacho,

If you just want to call a function from another Excel add-in I would
suggest using Application.Run instead.

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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