Using Append Query



Hi ,

How can I use append query which only append the new record which I will not
get duplicate record appended.



Van T. Dinh

If you define proper Unique Index (or Primary Key) in your Table, the
"duplicate Records" will not be appended. Note that you will need to set
the Unique Index in accordance with what you consider as duplication.


Hi Van,

Thanks for the answer, but I still don't know what to do. I made the Append
Query from 2 tables. Those 2 tables are from another program which I can not
change anything. Is there another way to do that. All I need to is when I run
that Appen Query which only Append new records to the append table and the
unique control will be a invoice number.



Van T. Dinh

You can use an Append Query with an SQL String like:

INSERT INTO tblDest (InvoiceNo, Field1, Field2, ...)
SELECT tblSrc.InvoiceNo, tblSrc.Field1, tblSrc.Field2, ...
FROM tblSrc
LEFT JOIN tblDest ON tblSrc.InvoiceNo = tblDest.InvoiceNo
WHERE tblDest.InvoiceNo Is Null

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