Using a delete query ... Specify table...




I am gettting the error msg "Specify the table containing the records you
want to delete"

I have two tables. One table (Tbl1) containing a hand full of records to be
deleted from the other table (Tbl2) if they match.

I have the join going from Tbl1 to Tbl2. I have tried dropping the * from
Tbl2 down and I get the error. I have tried just dropping down all the
fields and I get the error. I have dropped down both * and all the fields -
just to see - and I get the error. I have changed the join to where equal
and I get the error. When I view the results in Design view I get the few
records I am expecting to see deleted. But when I actually run the query
each configured way so far I'm getting the error.

Please help.


I figured it out - the 'Unique Records' property needs to be set to 'YES'
when using more than one table while expecting only matching records to be

Thanks for all your past assistance.

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