username and password



with FP2002 on WindowsXP pro - publishing from
a disk-based web to a host that is running server extensions

FP prompts for my username and password, with a
little check box that says "save password"

the password ( and the username ) are never saved...
what is always displayed in the username field is the server's address.
even if I enter the correct username and password and check the
box ---- the next day - I have to do it all over again


Stefan B Rusynko

In IE turn on remember passwords
Tools - Internet Options - Content - Auto complete
In Network Places delete the network place for that site
Find and delete all *.web files in Windows Explorer
then try again in FP


| with FP2002 on WindowsXP pro - publishing from
| a disk-based web to a host that is running server extensions
| FP prompts for my username and password, with a
| little check box that says "save password"
| problem
| the password ( and the username ) are never saved...
| what is always displayed in the username field is the server's address.
| even if I enter the correct username and password and check the
| box ---- the next day - I have to do it all over again
| ken

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