Userforms fill screen whatever resolution




I am designing a system that I want to look like it is not an Excel
spreadsheet. I would therefore like the UserForms to fill the screen. I can
do this manually but if somebody else has a different screen resolution it
doesn't fit right.

Is there a way of doing this automatically?
Can you use an if to determine screen resolution?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Jim Rech

Not the way to go, in my opinion. Never try to take over the entire screen.

Better to use Application.Visible = False to make Excel disappear. Just be
sure to make it visible again when your form closes.

| Hi,
| I am designing a system that I want to look like it is not an Excel
| spreadsheet. I would therefore like the UserForms to fill the screen. I
| do this manually but if somebody else has a different screen resolution it
| doesn't fit right.
| Is there a way of doing this automatically?
| Can you use an if to determine screen resolution?
| Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
| JohnP


Hi Jim,

I just added that code in and closed and saved it despite your wanring. It
now closes as soon as it opens. Is there a way around this. I have tried to
Ctrl Break as it opens.

Please help!!!!


Are you sure it closed, or just not visible. Us Alt + F11 to see if the VB
editor will open when the screen goes blank. Another method is to open it as
a second workbook when another is open, then access the VB editor to get to
your code and modify it.

Jim Rech

Set macro security on medium and then disable them at the prompt when you
open your workbook. Then fix your code.

| Hi Jim,
| I just added that code in and closed and saved it despite your wanring. It
| now closes as soon as it opens. Is there a way around this. I have tried
| Ctrl Break as it opens.
| Please help!!!!
| "Jim Rech" wrote:
| > Not the way to go, in my opinion. Never try to take over the entire
| >
| > Better to use Application.Visible = False to make Excel disappear. Just
| > sure to make it visible again when your form closes.
| >
| > --
| > Jim
| > | > | Hi,
| > |
| > | I am designing a system that I want to look like it is not an Excel
| > | spreadsheet. I would therefore like the UserForms to fill the screen.
| > can
| > | do this manually but if somebody else has a different screen
resolution it
| > | doesn't fit right.
| > |
| > | Is there a way of doing this automatically?
| > | Can you use an if to determine screen resolution?
| > |
| > | Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
| > | JohnP
| >
| >
| >

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