userform to appear in the center of the screen



how can i get my userform to appear in the center of the screen even if i
change my screen resolution settings. i use the code below with screen
resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.WindowState = xlNormal
Application.Top = 250
Application.Left = 320
Application.Height = 1
Application.Width = 1
End Sub


See StartUpPosition in the VBA Help. CenterOwner is the position preset for
the UserForm.


The following code needs to be pasted into the Code
Behind your Userform:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.Left = Application.Width / 2 - Me.Width / 2
Me.Top = Application.Height / 2 - Me.Height / 2
End Sub

Write back if you encounter problems;


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