Userform errors



I have a project that contains a number of forms and when i try to
show the last one in normal run mode i get the error:

run-time error ‘-2147417848 (80010108)

Automation error
The object invoked has disconnected from its clients

Originally it also locked out the keyboard also. I used the appspro
project cleaner like someone else was told for a similar problem and
now it doesnt lock out the keyboard but the form wont show. If i try
to just show the form in a different sub i get the 424 object required
error (i think its 424). The other forms in the project will show
during normal running but get the 424 error trying to run them on
their own. The other advice they received was to rebuild it in a new
book. Does this mean from scratch like i have to retype the main code?
or can i copy and paste the code to say word reuse it and just rebuild
the forms from scratch?

Also as i have messed with this i noticed somthing strange. I have a
module where i keep useful code snippets to copy instead of having to
retype them everytime and i also keep basic forms that i can just
import and rename for the same purpose. Those forms were giving me the
same 424 error when i tested them after the main project. I wondered
if maybe they were "broken" since i made the project forms from them.
So I closed excel (it locked up doing so had to ctrl alt delete out)
and then the basic forms worked fine when i reopend and tried again. I
would appreciate any input on this matter thank you



I have already tried new forms and pasted code into a new workbook and
it gave the same error message and my keyboard is locked in excel
again. Does this mean it is something in the code? Parts of this code
have been in use for a very long time but other parts are brand new.

thanks again


I read through that and will try to make things clearer.
My OS is XP Pro, Excel is 2003
The VBA project helps prep daily agri-business data (unique
identifiers, names, addresses, count of product) from 14 corporations
(with 9 input styles) to give it all the same format so that it can be
further standardized and loaded to a web enabled tracking database. It
currently consists of ~2100 lines of code (and notes) and 5 userforms,
3 that are non modal single button "break" forms for user input on the
data sheets and 2 radio button forms for selecting which corporation
datasets to work on. The error I am getting occurs at the line to show
the last (and newest to this project) radio button form:

'.... this is the last 15 or so lines of
the 2nd to last sub
cdir = CurDir
ChDrive "T"
ChDir "T:\Groups\PAM\Meat Juice Lab\Meatjuice main mjjohn\Producer
fname = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("save as 0 'alldate'", _
fileFilter:="Excel Files
(*.xls), *.xls")
If fname <> False Then
If Dir(fname) <> "" Then
fname = False
End If
End If
Loop Until fname <> False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fname
ChDrive cdir
ChDir cdir
PP15_01_03TypeFile_form.Show ' ERROR HERE with the original error

End Sub

I found this morning if I set a breakpoint on one of the last few
lines in this sub I can step through and get the form. Otherwise it

Thanks again for any help.

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