User Form



I am using winxp pro and msoffice 2003

I have never done a user form in excel and am not sure how to proceed.

This is what I want to do:
Make a user form with the alphabet across the top of the form, each
letter of the alphabet links to a listing on the form, such as:

If I click on "C", I go to the portion of the form where my "C"
customers are listed, then I can click on the customer I want to look at
and behind the customer's name will be the code to open the correct
workbook and show me the info I need.

I know that I need hyperlinks from the row of Alphabet on the top of the
screen to it's portion of the lists - that I can do okay.

What I don't actually know is how to create a form so I can design it
the way that I want it, and then put a shortcut on the user's desks so
that when they click it, my form comes up, they make their choices, the
code runs behind the customer name they chose, and they get the info
they need.

Would this be considered a type of splash screen - maybe without the
timer feature attached to it so that it will stay open until the 'close'
button puts everything away and closes the little app?

Your advice and help are as always very much appreciated.


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