User Controls and ASPX.CS



I have created a user control UCQuery.acx. It consists of
a number of drop down list boxes. I created this control
because the same drop down list boxes must appear on
several aspx pages for user selection of data for input
into a database query.

So I have the ascx and I add it to my wp.aspx:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="UCQuery"
Src="UCQuery.ascx" %>


<uc1:ucquery id="UCQuery1" runat="server"></uc1:ucquery>

Now in my wp.aspx.cs I want to reference UCQuery1 but I
get an error.

I need to call public methods in the ascx from my aspx.cs
in order to get the user selections from the control and
pass them on.

Am I out of line in thinking this can be done with a user

Thanks in advance,


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

JV said:
I have created a user control UCQuery.acx. It consists of
a number of drop down list boxes. I created this control
because the same drop down list boxes must appear on
several aspx pages for user selection of data for input
into a database query.

Good reason for a user control. I have seen an app where the designer had a
control for everything, even those that would never be repeated.
So I have the ascx and I add it to my wp.aspx:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="UCQuery"
Src="UCQuery.ascx" %>


<uc1:ucquery id="UCQuery1" runat="server"></uc1:ucquery>

Now in my wp.aspx.cs I want to reference UCQuery1 but I
get an error.

Add the following line to your CodeBehind:

protected UCQuery UCQuery1;

template = protected {Class Name} {Name of object in page};

Then you should be able to do:

UCQuery1.property1 = "";

Not sure why Microsoft does not have this happen automagically when a
control is dropped, as I routinely work with controls in CodeBehind.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!

Billy Billerson

What the deuce is this:

template = protected {Class Name} {Name of object in

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