user and computer whenChanged/modifyTimeStamp properties



What events trigger an update the the whenChanged and modifyTimeStamp
properties of user and computer accounts in AD? MSDN suggests these are
updated when the object is changed, with no further explanation. I would
expect failed (or successful) logins to modify this, as well as password
resets, user-initiated password changes, etc. as these all require
modification to one or more of the object's properties. However,
failed/successful logins apparently do NOT update whenChanged -- I haven't
looked closer at password changes. So, what DOES whenChanged measure?

modifyTimeStamp appears to be identical to whenChanged. Is it different (and

\\ MadDHatteR

Joe Richards [MVP]

modifyTimeStamp and whenChanged are one and the same attribute.

I do not believe they are updated when a non-replicated value is modified such
as bad password time, bad password count, etc...

Password changes definitely update that value.


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