User accounts



Ok. I dont know how this happened but everytime I start
windows the welcome screen comes on and asks me to select
the user name. I never set it to do that and I am the
only administrator. I want to delete that but i cant. and
i cant get into safemode. I also made my account have
limited access instead of comp administrator. I want to
set myself as the administrator and not have a welcome
screen come on. What do i do.


U cant have no Admin account if s

sorry dude, but then u will have to install XP agai



-----Original Message-----
Start/Control Panel/User Accounts/Change a User Account
I went there and there is only my name with limited
access under it. where is the system administrator and
how can i switch to it.


Ok, Got to start> control panel> user accounts> Change
the way user log on and off> and unclick box that
says "Use the welcome screen". And you should be all set.
And about your user level create a new user. Make it
admin. Goto start> control panel> user accounts> click
pick an acount to change- pick your account and set
yourself as admin. Log off and sing in as yourself then
click start> control panel> user accounts> cpick an
account to change and delete the one you had used to
change your first one.


-----Original Message-----
Ok, Got to start> control panel> user accounts> Change
the way user log on and off> and unclick box that
says "Use the welcome screen". And you should be all set.
And about your user level create a new user. Make it
admin. Goto start> control panel> user accounts> click
pick an acount to change- pick your account and set
yourself as admin. Log off and sing in as yourself then
click start> control panel> user accounts> cpick an
account to change and delete the one you had used to
change your first one.
The only options that i get under user accounts is
Create a password
change my picture
setup my account to use .net passport

Adam Raff


Ok first a little history, in windows xp. When you go and create an account
it logs you into what Microsoft calls fast switch mode. It also assumes
that the first person logging into the system is the administrator. Thus it
hides the administrator account from the user. I know this is true in home
and if you buy XP Pro for home use this is also true. Not on a domain. So
what you have to do is switch to classic login and then login as the
administrator. To do this follow these steps that was said in an early
write up (I have made some changes)

Go to start> control panel> user accounts> Under pick a task (last option)

Now log off and you will get the classic login window. Now login as
Administstrator and do not use a password (default unless you gave it a
password) and click Ok. You should now have full admin rights to the system
and you should be ok. At this time you can either delete your old account
and recreate it or give your self admin rights and then you can log out and
then log back in as your self.

Concerning you problem if you have not fixed it yet can you give me more
info on this. What accounts are showing up there on the login screen.
Normally when you have just one account in the welcome screen it logs you in
automatically as the only user. The only time it does not do this is when
you have more then one account setup in the welcome screen. (Administrator
never shows up in the welcome screen as far as I know)

Hope this helps

Under Login enter Administrator with no password (defult) now

Dan R

Are you sure you're the "only" Admin user in your PC? It sounds like
"someone" set up a limited Acct for you so that you have limited privileges
on that PC. In other words, your story is contradicting. You don't know
what happened and you never change the setting, and yet you said you changed
your Admin privilege to a Limited privilege acct. How is it that you don't
know how to do things and yet, know how to change from Admin to Limited

The reason I say this, in another incident, a child wanted to bypass his
parent's supervision and posted a question in a forum to see if he can
disobey and work-around his parent's guidance.


john said:
Ok. I dont know how this happened but everytime I start
windows the welcome screen comes on and asks me to select
the user name. I never set it to do that and I am the
only administrator. I want to delete that but i cant. and
i cant get into safemode.

Why not? How have you tried to do this?

I also made my account have
limited access instead of comp administrator. I want to
set myself as the administrator and not have a welcome
screen come on. What do i do.

it is NOT a good idea to use the built-in Administrator account as your only
log-in on a daily basis. Log in as The Administrator ,create a new User,
give that user Admin rights and use that on a daily basis.
The reason behind this is, if you are using the Built-in Administrator
account as your only user, and something goes wrong, you have NO way to
access your machine other than by either a repair install of XP or by using
something like Knoppix (a Linux distro that runs from a CD) .

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