user accounts



I tried to set up a user account but it wont allow them to
access internet explorer and all other programs are very
slow to start up ...can any one give me a step by step to
set up this account so the user has access to internet
would appreciate any help on this matter

Shain Wray

Hello Jilli,

In regards to creating a user account, can you provide some more
information to help clarify the situation?

1. When you say it will not allow them to access Internet Explorer, what
error message to you receive, if any?
2. When you say all other programs are slow, does this include
applications such as Notepad and Wordpad?
3. Is this a standalone Windows XP Pro system or part of a Domain?
4. Are you creating a Local User, a Domain User, Local User with Local
Admin rights or a Domain User with Local Admin rights?

Thanks and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,
Shain Wray
Microsoft PSS Security Team

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