"User account control - Windows needs your permission to continue"


Bruce Chambers

Pekka said:
Is it possible - if so, how - to disable the boxes asking to verify
running a program or do administrative tasks and let Vista do the
tricks without confirmation?

Possible, certainly. Easy, even. Just how wise doing so is, however,
depends entirely upon how skillful and security-aware the user is, and
what other security mechanisms are in place.

Windows Vista Features Explained: User Account Control

How to use User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista

In particular, if you need to disable to run an application, it would
be far better to replace that intentionally (It could have been designed
properly, had the developers wanted or known how to do so.) non-secure
application with one that's actually designed for Vista, particularly if
it's something that used frequently, or for extended (more than a few
minutes) periods of time.


Bruce Chambers

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