Use Value of a variable in vb function



I have 12 fields in a form (H1, H2, H3, etc). Each field has a button that
can be clicked to perform an action (move all the values up one space, or
down one space). On click, I pass the number 1, 2, 3, etc. to the vb
function to know where to start shifting data.

I am attempting to create a "generic" statement that can be used for all 12
fields. To do this I have said that my variable = "H" & Num (Num being
populated with 1-12). This works fine. My variable (holdentry) then equals
H3 (for example).

I then have another variable that I am trying to equate to the value of the
variable. H3, for example, represents a field on my form. I want my new
variable to be = to the value stored in H3 on the form. It's a hire date.
So if the date is 4/23/2000. I want my new variable to = 4/23/2000. Not the
string H3. I have made many attempts with single and double quotes,
ampersands, etc. I obvioulsy have something wrong, because I either get the
"string" H3, or I get the variable name (holdentry). I then want to test
this field for specific things.

My latest attempt was:

holdentry = "H" & Entry
(where Entry contains a number 1 - 12 --- 3 in this case)

I would like to know the screen/form value of H3.

holdEntryValue = "'" & holdentry & "'"

(double quote, single quote, space, ampersand, space, variable, space,
ampersand, space, quote, single quote, quote).

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I have done this before, I
just can't remember the exact formatting used before.

Thanks a bunch for your help!


Pieter Wijnen

Use the construct Me.Controls("H" & Num).value


NMThoman said:
I have 12 fields in a form (H1, H2, H3, etc). Each field has a button that
can be clicked to perform an action (move all the values up one space, or
down one space). On click, I pass the number 1, 2, 3, etc. to the vb
function to know where to start shifting data.

I am attempting to create a "generic" statement that can be used for all
fields. To do this I have said that my variable = "H" & Num (Num being
populated with 1-12). This works fine. My variable (holdentry) then
H3 (for example).

I then have another variable that I am trying to equate to the value of
variable. H3, for example, represents a field on my form. I want my new
variable to be = to the value stored in H3 on the form. It's a hire date.
So if the date is 4/23/2000. I want my new variable to = 4/23/2000. Not
string H3. I have made many attempts with single and double quotes,
ampersands, etc. I obvioulsy have something wrong, because I either get
"string" H3, or I get the variable name (holdentry). I then want to test
this field for specific things.

My latest attempt was:

holdentry = "H" & Entry
(where Entry contains a number 1 - 12 --- 3 in this case)

I would like to know the screen/form value of H3.

holdEntryValue = "'" & holdentry & "'"

(double quote, single quote, space, ampersand, space, variable, space,
ampersand, space, quote, single quote, quote).

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I have done this before, I
just can't remember the exact formatting used before.

Thanks a bunch for your help!




Thanks a bunch, I will try it.


Pieter Wijnen said:
Use the construct Me.Controls("H" & Num).value


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Worked perfectly! Thank you very much!

Pieter Wijnen said:
Use the construct Me.Controls("H" & Num).value


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