Use Repeater or DataList?



I'm trying to display a table of my company's departments in a 3 column
format with alternating row colors. The department names are being pulled
from a database in alphabetical order. I want to order the depts in
alphabetical order going from left to right in columns of 3 like:

DeptA DeptB DeptC -- light colored row
DeptD DeptE DeptF -- dark colored row

I've figured out how to get the Depts. to display in the order I need them
to using a DataList, but I'm having trouble getting the rows to alternate
colors. Can I get the DataList to do what I need to or am I better off
looking into using a Repeater?

Any advice/code samples are appreciated. Thanks!

Eliyahu Goldin

Keep using datalist. For setting color, use PreRender event and don't use
AlternatingItemStyle. In the event handler loop through all data items of
the datalist and set alternative color for every 3 items.



Thanks Eliyahu, that worked.

Eliyahu Goldin said:
Keep using datalist. For setting color, use PreRender event and don't use
AlternatingItemStyle. In the event handler loop through all data items of
the datalist and set alternative color for every 3 items.


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