Use of WINNT\Temp folder


Trevor Miller

We have a web app that writes temp files to the web servers temp
folder in order to get the Cyrstal Report from the app server to the
web server. Our DLL's place the temp file there which is a Crystal
Report exported. We then move that temp file to our own web folder
creating the PDF. It seemed to be working fine but this last build
the only way we can get it to work is to give the anonymous user read
rights the the TEMP folder. Otherwise the temp files writes but we
error out on the move. I am perplexed by this as it was working
before so why would it require this now. The anonymous user has not
changed, the OS has not changed. What permissions should be on the
Temp folder by default and should we even be using that folder at all
in this method?

Chris Szilagyi

Trevor said:
We have a web app that writes temp files to the web servers temp
folder in order to get the Cyrstal Report from the app server to the
web server. Our DLL's place the temp file there which is a Crystal
Report exported. We then move that temp file to our own web folder
creating the PDF. It seemed to be working fine but this last build
the only way we can get it to work is to give the anonymous user read
rights the the TEMP folder. Otherwise the temp files writes but we
error out on the move. I am perplexed by this as it was working
before so why would it require this now. The anonymous user has not
changed, the OS has not changed. What permissions should be on the
Temp folder by default and should we even be using that folder at all
in this method?
Whatever user that the webserver is running as (the Anonymous user),
should have write-delete permissions for any folders that need to be
written to/from. In your case, you will probably want to give the
Anonymous user atleast read-write permissions on the Temp folder. Or
check to make sure there are no special permissions that permit a write
but not a delete (moving a file from that folder to another will try to
delete it after it is copied to the destination). More info on how the
move is done and the errors reported might help us. There are no
security problems that I know of using that folder for temporary writes.

Chris Szilagyi
Technical Consultant
Apex Internet Solutions -
Complete Internet Hosting Solutions, Custom Websites

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