Use Deafult Gateway On Remote Computer option



Here is some findings:

If I choose that option, then the gateway address seems to be what ever IP
address I get from my DHCP server for PPP interface. Like after dialing in ,
the PPP interface gets the IP from DHCP server. That is fine. It got the
right IP, but at the same time gateway address is the same as that PPP
adapter interface ???? It should be my RAS server address. ?


When I choose this option, I cannot browse the internet which is going thru
my local lan.
Is this normal ?

I need to choose "use default gateway on remote computers" and also at the
same time, my internet browsing should go from my local lan....

any idea ?


Now, the problem with this one is even I tell my RRAS server to assign IP
addresses from pool of IP address range ( which we can configure in RRAS
Server), every time the clients connects to RRAS server it gets IP address
different - just PPP interface I'm talking about.....

Now, if I have 200 addresses for RRAS vpn connection, I never know which
address I get.

After that to get to some of my internet network I have to use route add
command and tell the system to get that network thru PPP RAS interface. I
checked that and it works. Not selecting "use default gateway".....but looks
like I have to add route each time I make connection......I cannot make it

NOw another problem is the check box says that if I select the default
gateway at remote network, then once I'm done with RRAS connection, I mean
once I made the connection, I think the PPP interface should have the
default gateway address of RRAS server where routes are defined to go where.

So, if browser asks to go to internet, it should go by default lan
connection and all others by RRAS interface of PPP. But, the problem is it
takes default gateway as PPP RRAS interface...thats the problem.....

So, is there any way I can have absolute RAS PPP IP address as fixed so that
I don't have to change in routing table....each time I made connection....

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