USB "Memory Sticks" and Auto Play



I prefer the "auto play" feature when using various types of removable
media... gives me the option to select what I might want to do, such as, open
folders, view photos, or play music, etc.

I can't seem to get my system to recognize USB "memory sticks" and present
the "Auto Play" options... The system DOES recognize the devices and assigns
them Drive letters (some folks have trouble with that)...

Running XP Pro-SP2 - All patches up to date...

Is there a way to get the USB devices to auto play ??

Ron Martell

t said:
I prefer the "auto play" feature when using various types of removable
media... gives me the option to select what I might want to do, such as, open
folders, view photos, or play music, etc.

I can't seem to get my system to recognize USB "memory sticks" and present
the "Auto Play" options... The system DOES recognize the devices and assigns
them Drive letters (some folks have trouble with that)...

Running XP Pro-SP2 - All patches up to date...

Is there a way to get the USB devices to auto play ??

Right-click on the drive letter for device in "My Computer" and select
Properties. Is there not an Autrun tab? There is for mine.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada


Thanks Ron,

Yes, there's an Auto Play tab and I'd been there done that... even used
TweakUI for the drive letters... and looked over their various properties in
Disk Management under the Computer Mangement Console...

My machine recognizes the USB Drives, assigns drive letters, etc. and I'm
able to use the devices without any trouble...

They just won't "auto play" and present the standard options...

Any other ideas ?? Thanks again


In TweakUI, is "enable autoplay for removable drives" checked?
Look in TYPES category.



yes it's checked and i've poked around quite a bit with this... checking
registry settings like...

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer - current
data of 91 00 00 00

I've used TweakUI and device manager to change the auto play settings for
multiple memory keys the system recognizes... all to no avail...

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