USB 2.0 - Reinstall Windows XP



I have Windows XP with SP1 and SP2. Two days ago, my USB 2.0 stopped working
at high speed. I have tried reinstalling the drivers, but the reinstalled
drivers are not high speed.

Can I reinstall windows XP in order to get the high speed drivers to work?

I have tried everything else.

Please help!


Gene said:
I have Windows XP with SP1 and SP2. Two days ago, my USB 2.0 stopped working
at high speed. I have tried reinstalling the drivers, but the reinstalled
drivers are not high speed.

Can I reinstall windows XP in order to get the high speed drivers to work?

I have tried everything else.

Please help!

Have you seen this KB article:
General USB troubleshooting in Windows XP


Thank you. I have tried everything in the 2 links.

I think I should reinstall windows xp.

Here is what I currently see in device manager under USB.

Universal Serial Bus Controllers
Intel(R) 82801BA/BAM USB Universal Host Controller - 2442
USB Root Hub

Please, please help

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