USB 1.1 to 2.0



I formatted my hard drive not long ago and I am having a problem with my USB
ports. When I plug in my external hard drive it tells me that this device is
not operating at its maximum speed because of the USB device. I almost
positive that this means that my USB has some how been downgraded to 1.1.
I'm also pretty sure (if I can remember right) that the only difference (or
at least the main difference) between 1.1 and 2.0 is the drivers and
software. So how do I get a download or update or whatever I need to make my
USB ports 2.0 compatible again?

Bob Knowlden

USB 2 uses different hardware than USB 1.1, but USB 2 controllers can be run
with USB 1.1 drivers (at USB 1.1 speeds).

The USB 2 drivers are contained in SP1 and SP2, although I'm unsure whether
the service packs fully enable USB 2 without additional drivers on every PC
chipset (such as VIA mainboards for AMD CPUs).

Address scrambled. Replace nkbob with bobkn.

Thomas Wendell

When you formatted HD and re-installed XP, did you install any and all
motherboard drivers?? Especially AGP and USB drivers?
You're screwed without..

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