URL Rewriting at Domain level


Seth Williams

The first scenario is that I want to create one website for a particular
industry - let's say for Farm Machinery

so I have a shared hosting site called myFarmMachinery.com

But I want to sell site creation, using database page creation to multiple
companys who generally have their own domain name.

So, then, these domains, I need to forward to my one IP address for
JohnsEquipment.com = John
MarksNewEquipment.com = Mark

Is there anyway to make it rewrite to:

Then, depending on the url, there, the database will show company specific
details, but the sites will be based on one basic site.(I have no problem
with designing it, database wise, I'm just looking for an alternate way to
set it up with the urls

the alternate scenario is that they don't have a domain name and are not
getting one - - but I still want it to look like:

but I don't want to use querystrings

What's the best approach for something like this?

bruce barker

sp1 for .net 3.5 contains the url rewriter support you need (url
routing). your rewrite code will need to look at the host header (sent
by the browser) to determine the rewrite path. unless your using iis
7.0, you will need to map all content to asp.net for the rewriter to
process non asp.net pages requests (like images)

this could also be done with an isapi filter easily. you could buy a 3rd
party one if you are unable to code in c/c++

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)


But I want to sell site creation, using database page creation to
companys who generally have their own domain name.
Then, depending on the url, there, the database will show company specific
details, but the sites will be based on one basic site.(I have no problem
with designing it, database wise, I'm just looking for an alternate way to
set it up with the urls

You need to use URL rewriting or url mapping. It is not the same. Look at:
http://longurl.net/URLRewritingASPNET.aspx for asp.net url rewriting
tutorial and tools (add-ons). If you need url mapping instead url rewriting,
than you can do this in asp.net without add-ons, but url rewriting you can
not do in asp.net without 3rd party components.

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