Urgent Please : IE Webcontrol problem


John F

Hi all,

I posted a question earlier but have since discovered something else. If
anyone read my previous post, ignore the issue surrounding two different
url's to one box since I've managed to re-create the problem another way.

Simply put, my IE webcontrols are not working when I access my machine
through the browser like "http://mymachinename/mysite/mypage.aspx" but the
IE webcontrols DO work when I access my machine through my browser like

How can I get IE webcontrols to work properly using
"http://mymachinename/mysite/mypage.aspx" method?


Raja B

You might want to check the MachineNames , IP Addresses your IIS Server
is binding to. Its better to choose the 'Unassigned' or 'All' option.

Also do a ipconfig and make sure that your machine name and IP address
are what you think they are.



Raja, you've fingered WebControls as being the failure point; is the rest of
ASP.NET working as expected through your different url's?

You might drop a /debug/test.aspx page in which contains a button; on
clicking the button change the button Text. This will help you verify that
javascript is working, the supporting javascript libraries are being located
properly, you urls are behaving as expected, etc.

/// M

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