Urgent help needed...All Folder's name changed...Please Help.



Hello there

I am using OL 2002. Today i received an e-mail with attachment an .exe file in zipped format. I was asked to run the .exe file..... and now to my surprise i found that
all the names of Folder's names namely - Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items, Outbox, Calendar, Tasks had canged into our local language. But the sub-folder's name have not changed. They are the same as i had named it while i created those

How do i again get back these locally named folders as again 'Inbox', 'Sent Items' etc. folders with thier original names??. I guess why OL did not blocked this attachment?? Is that becaues the .exe file was in zipped format?

Any suggestions for this.....I desperately need help

Thanks in advance.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Try starting Outlook once with the /resetfoldernames switch. There also are
a couple of free tools listed at
http://www.slipstick.com/addins/housekeeping.htm that can help you reset

Outlook does not block .zip files. You should never run an .exe even if it
appears in a .zip file, unless you know the sender *and* confirm with them
that the file is legitimate.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Angel said:
Hello there,

I am using OL 2002. Today i received an e-mail with attachment an .exe
file in zipped format. I was asked to run the .exe file..... and now to my
surprise i found that
all the names of Folder's names namely - Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items,
Outbox, Calendar, Tasks had canged into our local language. But the
sub-folder's name have not changed. They are the same as i had named it
while i created those.
How do i again get back these locally named folders as again 'Inbox',
'Sent Items' etc. folders with thier original names??. I guess why OL did
not blocked this attachment?? Is that becaues the .exe file was in zipped


Hello Sue

I tried as you suggested and i got back the names. Many thanks!! Now i 'll never run .exe's

One more question..

I have created a new folder as a sub-folder in my 'Contacts'. Now i want to expot this sub-folder to 'Contacts' to another system. I tried a couple of times but could'nt get through. i think there is some problem at the another system. Can you please tell me how should i successfully export this

Many Thanks in advance


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

What does "couldn't get through" mean? You need to export on your machine,
then take the file to the other machine and import it there.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Angel said:
Hello Sue,

I tried as you suggested and i got back the names. Many thanks!! Now i 'll never run .exe's.

One more question...

I have created a new folder as a sub-folder in my 'Contacts'. Now i want
to expot this sub-folder to 'Contacts' to another system. I tried a couple
of times but could'nt get through. i think there is some problem at the
another system. Can you please tell me how should i successfully export


Hello Sue

I have just done it. I followed the help and the folder is exported. Thanks a lot for all the help

Thanking you


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