URGENT: Access Crash after System Update!




Windows XP SP2 Latest Patches, IE7 blocked
Access 2003 Latest, all patched

I have an application that has _started_ _to_ _crash_ _ACCESS_ after
the latest software updates!

Here is the message:

Microsoft Office Access has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

When I select "What does this error report contain?" I get the

Error signature
AppName: msaccess.exe
AppVer: 11.0.6566.0
AppStamp: 42cdb33e

ModName: msjtes40.dll
ModVer: 4.0.8618.0
ModStamp: 403430ac

fDebug: 0
Offset: 00008f7a


Has any one else seen this problem?


Thanks in advance for any help anyone can share on this problem!


I have not experienced this problem; however, based on the error log report
you posted (good work), it appears to be a problems with msjtes40.dll. It
should be in C:\Windows\system32. It is part of Jet. You appear to have the
correct version.
I would make sure the file it is there and is not corrupt. Do you have
another machine you can copy it from?
When is the error happening? Is is happening on more than one machine?


Hi Klatuu,

Thanks for the quick response! Yes, this is happening on multiple

This is happening when one form opens another form. frmA opens frmB
with a "where" condition as part of the "DoCmd.OpenForm" method.

This is really perplexing. The code works if I do a "system restore" to
a previous checkpoint. I have been tweaking code to try to work around
the problem with no success.

I have discovered, however, that stepping through the VB code, THIS

Thanks for the help!


Hi Klatuu,

The code is pretty simple:

Private Sub cmdFormulationZoom_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFormulationZoom_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frm_material_formulation_editor"

stLinkCriteria = "id_material_product =" & Me![id_material]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, , acDialog

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_cmdFormulationZoom_Click

End Sub

I'm pretty sure that the problem is not there, since the following
trick seems to work: I have seen hints that have to do with subforms
and when they should get displayed, and I've been messing about with
that. Mainly, I changed a subform so that it does not load until a tab
gets selected: Then I set the SourceObject of the subform from the
TabCtl "OnChange" event. Before this, there was no code in any of the
target form events. Does this ring a bell for anyone?

Thanks again!


What is the data type for id_material_product?
If it is numeric, the syntax is correct.
If it is text, it should be

stLinkCriteria = "id_material_product = '" & Me![id_material] & "'"

One other thing to try would be to open the form without any filtering to
see if the problem still exists.

I don't know, given the error you are getting, if this will do any good.
Another recent thought - Are there any computers where it is working?

Hi Klatuu,

The code is pretty simple:

Private Sub cmdFormulationZoom_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFormulationZoom_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frm_material_formulation_editor"

stLinkCriteria = "id_material_product =" & Me![id_material]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, , acDialog

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_cmdFormulationZoom_Click

End Sub

I'm pretty sure that the problem is not there, since the following
trick seems to work: I have seen hints that have to do with subforms
and when they should get displayed, and I've been messing about with
that. Mainly, I changed a subform so that it does not load until a tab
gets selected: Then I set the SourceObject of the subform from the
TabCtl "OnChange" event. Before this, there was no code in any of the
target form events. Does this ring a bell for anyone?

Thanks again!
Post the code where the openform is failing, please

David W. Fenton

(e-mail address removed) wrote in
Yes, this is happening on multiple

Have you decompiled, compacted, recompiled and compacted the front
end? It is often the case that code compiled with one Access
installation will cause errors on another Access versions. Also,
compiled queries can cause the same problem with different Jet
versions (i.e., compiled on one Jet version, run on a different
version). A compact clears the stored query compilation and it will
recompile the next time the query is run.

I've seen this kind of thing many times, and the decompile/recompile
and compact cycle usually fixes it.


Hi again Klatuu,

Yep, [id_material] is numeric. And yes, there are machines that have
*not* had the latest software updates where this works fine.

The fix where I don't load the subform on form load seems to have
worked: I am also going to try the steps in this KB article, and see if
that works:


Thanks again!

- Tony
What is the data type for id_material_product?
If it is numeric, the syntax is correct.
If it is text, it should be

stLinkCriteria = "id_material_product = '" & Me![id_material] & "'"

One other thing to try would be to open the form without any filtering to
see if the problem still exists.

I don't know, given the error you are getting, if this will do any good.
Another recent thought - Are there any computers where it is working?

Hi Klatuu,

The code is pretty simple:

Private Sub cmdFormulationZoom_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFormulationZoom_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frm_material_formulation_editor"

stLinkCriteria = "id_material_product =" & Me![id_material]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, , acDialog

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_cmdFormulationZoom_Click

End Sub

I'm pretty sure that the problem is not there, since the following
trick seems to work: I have seen hints that have to do with subforms
and when they should get displayed, and I've been messing about with
that. Mainly, I changed a subform so that it does not load until a tab
gets selected: Then I set the SourceObject of the subform from the
TabCtl "OnChange" event. Before this, there was no code in any of the
target form events. Does this ring a bell for anyone?

Thanks again!
Post the code where the openform is failing, please


Hi Klatuu,

Thanks for the quick response! Yes, this is happening on multiple

This is happening when one form opens another form. frmA opens frmB
with a "where" condition as part of the "DoCmd.OpenForm" method.

This is really perplexing. The code works if I do a "system restore" to
a previous checkpoint. I have been tweaking code to try to work around
the problem with no success.

I have discovered, however, that stepping through the VB code, THIS

Thanks for the help!

Klatuu wrote:
I have not experienced this problem; however, based on the error log report
you posted (good work), it appears to be a problems with msjtes40.dll. It
should be in C:\Windows\system32. It is part of Jet. You appear to have the
correct version.
I would make sure the file it is there and is not corrupt. Do you have
another machine you can copy it from?
When is the error happening? Is is happening on more than one machine?



Windows XP SP2 Latest Patches, IE7 blocked
Access 2003 Latest, all patched

I have an application that has _started_ _to_ _crash_ _ACCESS_ after
the latest software updates!

Here is the message:

Microsoft Office Access has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

When I select "What does this error report contain?" I get the

Error signature
AppName: msaccess.exe
AppVer: 11.0.6566.0
AppStamp: 42cdb33e

ModName: msjtes40.dll
ModVer: 4.0.8618.0
ModStamp: 403430ac

fDebug: 0
Offset: 00008f7a


Has any one else seen this problem?


Thanks in advance for any help anyone can share on this problem!

David W. Fenton

(e-mail address removed) wrote in
Decompile? What is that?

I have indeed performed "Compact and Repair" on the front-end and
the back-end to no avail.

Perhaps you mean the step in this Knowledge Base article?


If it is, thanks for the tip!

Yes, that is it.

An Access programmer who doesn't know about decompile and use it on
a regular basis, is a very inexperienced Access programmer.

For an explanation of what it does and why, see this article:

The real deal on the /Decompile switch

It's important to never use the Access instance used to decompile
for your compact. This is the order I use:

1. compact

2. close Access

3. open Access with the decompile switch

4. pick the MDB you want to decompile. If you have startup code, be
sure to hold down the SHIFT key so the startup code doesn't run
(this will defeat the purpose of the decompile, because the code
will get recompiled as soon as you open a form). In A2K and later,
there is no notice that the decompile is done, so when you see the
database windows, close this instance of Access.

5. open a new instance of Access and compact the MDB you just

6. open the VBE and from the Debug menu, compile your project.

7. save the compiled project.

8. compact the thing one more time.

9. go to TOOLS | OPTIONS and be sure to turn COMPILE ON DEMAND to
OFF -- this will improve the stability of your apps during


Hi David,

Yes, it worked! Thanks for the tip!

I will certainly add this nicely undocumented feature to the toolbox.

Thanks again!

PS: I think the "very" was a little harsh... :p


I am experiencing this same problem in a Terminal Services Multi User

I develop on my own computer then upload to the Server. This means I am
using the XP verion of the Jet to develop then the Server 2003 version of the
Jet to run the application.

I have tried decompiling etc. and the problem is not resolved, however, I
always work on my computer using XP.

Are you suggesting that this could be causing the problem and I should do my
developing (and decompiling and compacting) on the the server?

Thanks in advance - Ali.

David W. Fenton

I am experiencing this same problem in a Terminal Services Multi
User environment.

Does each TS user have his or her own copy of the front end? If not,
you need to implement that before worrying about anything else.
I develop on my own computer then upload to the Server. This
means I am using the XP verion of the Jet to develop then the
Server 2003 version of the Jet to run the application.

I have tried decompiling etc. and the problem is not resolved,
however, I always work on my computer using XP.

Are you suggesting that this could be causing the problem and I
should do my developing (and decompiling and compacting) on the
the server?

Yes, it's best to compile on the version that the app is going to
run on.

David W. Fenton

I am experiencing this same problem in a Terminal Services Multi
User environment.

I develop on my own computer then upload to the Server. This
means I am using the XP verion of the Jet to develop then the
Server 2003 version of the Jet to run the application.

I have tried decompiling etc. and the problem is not resolved,
however, I always work on my computer using XP.

Are you suggesting that this could be causing the problem and I
should do my developing (and decompiling and compacting) on the
the server?

And, BTW< the Jet version has NOTHING to do with compiling.
Compiling is a VBA issue, and isn't at all associated with Jet.

However, the Jet version can cause queries or SQL statements to
crash. You should compact before distributing the front end to the
end users, because that will clear the compilation for the SQL (this
is a different kind of compilation than VBA compilation, which is
what is cleared by the decompile switch).


We recently gave each user their own copy of the front end and this greatly
reduced the instances of this problem.

I will try your suggestion and see if it resolves the problem.

Thank you for your help.


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