Upgrading XP Home to Office 2003 Student and Teach Edition



Recently I upgraded XP Home to Office 03 S&T edition on (2) computers that
are LAN connected through DSL modem and Wireless Router. My desktop (older)
computer is acting funny and e-mail doesn't know where it should go. The
laptop (newer) machine seems to have accepted the transition quite well. I
believe I have a config prob on dell desktop. Anyone who reads this please
offer advice to remedy this problem. Getting brain tumour from mrs. dell

Richard G. Harper

Aside from the fact that you can't upgrade an operating system using an
Office disc, and that you're posting in a Windows 2000 forum with a Windows
XP problem, and the fact that we don't have nearly enough information to
help you (what mail program are you using, describe what you mean by "acting
funny" and "email doesn't know where it should go" including full error
messages) ...

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* PLEASE post all messages and replies in the newsgroups
* for the benefit of all. Private mail is usually not replied to.
* My website, such as it is ... http://rgharper.mvps.org/
* HELP us help YOU ... http://www.dts-l.org/goodpost.htm

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