Upgrading vs. full installation of FrontPage 2003



I have been using FrontPage 2002 for the last few years and now want to
purchase FrontPage 2003. Is it better to buy the full version or just
Also, Either way that I change to FrontPage 2003, will I just be able to
begin immediately using our existing website or will there have to be some
'transfer of files/pages' to the newer software?
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Tom Willett

There's nothing wrong with getting the upgrade, if you want.

You should have no problem using your existing web site.

But, anytime you upgrade your FP, or install a full version, the first time
you publish (if using FP server extensions) you must do a full publish, not
just changed pages, in order to get everything in synch.


Okay. Great. Thanks Tom!

Tom Willett said:
There's nothing wrong with getting the upgrade, if you want.

You should have no problem using your existing web site.

But, anytime you upgrade your FP, or install a full version, the first time
you publish (if using FP server extensions) you must do a full publish, not
just changed pages, in order to get everything in synch.

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