Upgrading to XP Pro - now no ICS service and WMI corrupt



Sunday I upgraded from XP Home (SP2) to XP pro (SP2) from CD I obtained
through the school academic program (I'm a Computer Information Systems
student) and it did not install completely. There were error messages that
several .DLL files did not install. I was surprised the computer started and
that most everything (except windows) is running. Now Windows XP firewall
is not available and neither is several other functions - such as Automatic
Updates - they will not install.

Before the install, I skandisk, defragged, ran antivirus, anti-spyware and
my system was running fine with absolutely no errors. I have a 200gig HD
with 85% free, 3.2gig processor, and 1.5gig RAM. HP Pavilion purchased in

I contacted microsoft --- case ID for this service request is SRZ060507002276

and they had me run SFC /Scannow to install the driver files - but nothing
happened and errors still remained after rebooting. They had me renew the
registry keys for the firewall, and still the same error messages after
rebooting. They also had me run msinfo32 so they could take a look at it
but an error message said I couldn't. I took screen shots of the error
messages that are available here:


The error messages shows that the ICS service cannot be started and that the
WMI information is likely corrupted. I emailed microsoft again and they said
to use the system restore to go back before the install. This was a MISTAKE.
Not only did it not fix anything but it corrupted AVG antivirus. I tried to
uninstall AVG and then reinstall it but had an error message that it could
not install. I downloaded a newer version (the old one was just a few months
old) and it would not install. The other error messages remained the same -
using system restore did NOT fix them. I was able to download and install
Zone Alarm firewall since XP firewall is not working (I also have a hardware
firewall) although I have NO antivirus because system restore corrupted it
and it cannot be reinstalled. I even tried going back to another system
restore point but antivirus is still dead and won't install.

I cannot get another CD replacement for XP Pro because that is the policy
through the company that provides them for the academic use software. I
would have been better off continuing to use XP Home - unless I can get this
fixed, I will forever regret upgrading to XP Pro.

I am still waiting for microsoft response although I would appreciate any
info on how I can get my extremely stable system back with all it's functions
without having to format and start from scratch.


Thanks in advance,


As microsoft says "Thier is no upgrade from home to xp Pro" ,the "upgrade"
is for older windows OS.To install pro from home,one must boot to xp cd,
perform a clean installation of pro (formating the hd).One can install pro
home,but as microsoft states "not recomended".....


That was not what I was told. Obviously if this is the case, then they
should have made it clear. I was told specifically that the CD was to
upgrade Home to Pro.

Bob Knowlden

It may be time to try a repair installation of XP:


(The short version: change your PC's BIOS settings to boot from the CD
first. Boot from the XP CD. Choose to install rather than going to the
repair console. Choose to repair the existing installation rather than
making a new one.)

It would be wise to backup at least the boot partition before trying a
repair install, though.

If that doesn't work, you may have to go to a clean installation.

For future use, you may find it convenient to obtain an external hard drive
and backup software. (I'm not a sophisticate, so I use Acronis Drive Image.
Newegg has it available for download for $30, if memory serves. Maybe you
can get something cheaper through academic channels.)

Address scrambled. Replace nkbob with bobkn.

Nancy said:
Sunday I upgraded from XP Home (SP2) to XP pro (SP2) from CD I obtained
through the school academic program (I'm a Computer Information Systems
student) and it did not install completely. There were error messages
several .DLL files did not install. I was surprised the computer started
that most everything (except windows) is running. Now Windows XP
is not available and neither is several other functions - such as
Updates - they will not install.

Before the install, I skandisk, defragged, ran antivirus, anti-spyware and
my system was running fine with absolutely no errors. I have a 200gig HD
with 85% free, 3.2gig processor, and 1.5gig RAM. HP Pavilion purchased in


complete install , i tried to do a recovery from the disk! for xp pro sp2
guess what?
i ended up doing a complete format and reinstalling. don't forget to back
your out look pst files? and yourr documents

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