Upgrading from windows 2000 proffessional



My neighbor bought a computer years back (around 2000) that had this version
of proffessional that is based off of NT. He got it from a friend so the
Windows CD is long gone... Now I am trying to help him fix the computer as
it has passwords and what not all over it limitting useage. My suggestion
was to upgrade to XP, but the salesperson informed him that he must have his
old Windows CD... Is this true?

Colin Barnhorst

There are two choices when you buy XP at retail: Ugrade or Full. Upgrade
is cheaper but you must have a working Windows running on the hard drive or
the cd for a previous version of Windows ready to hand when the installer
asks for it. Any cd of a qualifying version of will work so it does not
have to be the one used to install the system now on his hard drive.

To upgrade the present operating system, do not boot with the XP cd, but
insert it in the drive with Windows running.

One word of caution, since he is running Windows 2000 Pro (there is no other
version except for servers), he must upgrade to XP Pro.

He should download the Upgrade Advisor from:
and make sure his system can handle XP. The Advisor will also tell him
which programs may be a problem and offer advice and which drivers may need
to be updated.

If he buys XP Home, he will have to do a clean install and he will lose his
files and programs unless he has all the program disks at hand and backs up
his files and settings using the XP Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.

Summary: If his Windows 2000 Pro system is working, he can buy Windows XP
Pro upgrade edition and upgrade.


What Not you're computer can do for you,
but What a What Not can do to a computer. :)

So, what does What Not look like?
Is it liquid, a dusty coating, furry?

Amasing that has ran for almost 5 years with all those pesky passwords on
it. lol


Alex Nichol

Jethro said:
My neighbor bought a computer years back (around 2000) that had this version
of proffessional that is based off of NT. He got it from a friend so the
Windows CD is long gone... Now I am trying to help him fix the computer as
it has passwords and what not all over it limitting useage. My suggestion
was to upgrade to XP, but the salesperson informed him that he must have his
old Windows CD...

Not for an initial upgrade, which you run *from* the existing win2000
system. There would be a problem should he ever want to do a clean
install, which would want to see the evidence of a qualifying product.
However a cheap old upgrade CD of Win98 would do that service

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