Upgraded to XP - Windows Update, Activation, Search Don't Work


Matt B.

I just upgraded from Windows ME to Windows XP (I just bought the upgrade
version of Windows XP in the box, SP2 included). Most things seem to work
for the most part, but some things do not work:

1. When I go to the Windows Update site, I just see a blank white screen.

2. Windows Activation. When I click on Windows activation, the Windows
activation windows opens, but it is just a blank window and nothing happens.

3. When I try to use the Find function in Windows I get the animated dog
character, but no boxes or buttons to use to fill out the information to
search for, so, of course, it is impossible to search.

4. Some websites don't work: Example is MS Hotmail (get a blank white page
instead of a login prompt). Or sites with "active menu choices" (i.e.,
where the contents of pull-down menus is supposed to change based on your
choice in a previous menu) (my menus are just blank after the first choice).
Other "complicated" sites like Terraserver or those with flash animations
work fine though.

Any help or ideas would be great. Thanks.

Patti MacLeod

Hi Matt,

Give this a try and see if it resolves some (if not all) of the things that
do not work.....

Go to Start>Run and key in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
Click on OK or hit ENTER
Click on OK in the Regsvr32 dialogue box

Go to Start>Run and key in:
regsvr32 vbscript.dll
Click on OK or hit ENTER
Click on OK in the Regsvr32 dialogue box

Go to Start>Run and key in:
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
Click on OK or hit ENTER
Click on OK in the Regsvr32 dialogue box

In addition, have a look at this MSKB article:
You receive an Internal Server Error error message or a blank page when you
click links on the Windows Update Web site from you Windows XP Service Pack
2-based computer



As you have just purchased and are running through the 'installation' of your
XP upgrade; you are entitled to Microsoft Support.

Call the number in your user guide or look up the White Pages for your local
support number.

Their friendly and helpful team will get you up and running quicker than
waiting for more answers to come on this forum.

Matt B.

Patti MacLeod said:
Give this a try and see if it resolves some (if not all) of the things
do not work.....

Go to Start>Run and key in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
Click on OK or hit ENTER
Click on OK in the Regsvr32 dialogue box

Go to Start>Run and key in:
regsvr32 vbscript.dll
Click on OK or hit ENTER
Click on OK in the Regsvr32 dialogue box

Go to Start>Run and key in:
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
Click on OK or hit ENTER
Click on OK in the Regsvr32 dialogue box

Wow! I tried these three steps and that fixed everything like magic. Too
bad Windows didn't detect the problem automatically. Anyway, you saved me
from untold hours of aggravation, thanks!

Patti MacLeod

Matt B. said:
Wow! I tried these three steps and that fixed everything like magic. Too
bad Windows didn't detect the problem automatically. Anyway, you saved me
from untold hours of aggravation, thanks!

You're very welcome!


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