Upgrade path (dual directions)



I currently have two copies of FP2003. One on my office computer -- licensed
through the Microsoft Charity volume licensing program. One on my home
computer -- upgraded from FP2000, upgraded from earlier version.

My problem is this... I had planned to upgrade to Expression Web (I have a
trial version on my home computer), but when I checked to upgrade the charity
copy, it doesn't seem to be available (don't know if this is M/S or my
organization) but there is a VERY reasonable price for Sharepoint Web

I haven't been able to find the retail upgrade price to Sharepoint Web
Designer, but suspect it will be significantly more than the price for
Expression Web.

So...How compatible are the two upgrade paths? Would I have a problem if I
upgraded one system along each path? I really wouldn't be using any of the
sharepoint services. The terms of the license will not allow me to use the
inexpensive upgrade to Sharepoint at home. I would like to be able to work
on websites from either system.


For the current versions, Sharepoint Designer includes all the features
in Expression Web, plus the SharePoint features. However, future
versions will diverge significantly.
EW is licensed on a per user basis, so, if you are the *only* user, the
same copy of EW can be used on both your home and charity PCs.
SharePoint Designer will be licensed on a per machine basis. This means
that for your scenario you will require 2 copies.
On the third hand, FrontPage 2003 will be supported by Microsoft until
2011 (full support until 2009, then extended support) and supported by
the forums and newsgroups until whenever (FP97 is still being used after
nearly 11 years). If you know HTML and CSS there is nothing in EW that
cannot be done in FrontPage 2003 - EW makes it a little easier.

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