Upgrade Compaq to Radeon 7500LE (PCI) ?



System: Compaq Deskpro EN Pentium III (450Mhz)
BIOS: 08/18/99
OS: Windows 2000 Professional
Replacing factory ATI Rage AGP with Radeon
75000LE PCI (64Meg)
(Why? Because I cannot find a newer AGP with =>
32Meg that will physically fit into this box.)

I have tried:
1) removing AGP and installing PCI - boot
halts 1 long and 2 short beeps
2) clearing CMOS
3) removing AGP drivers
4) the PCI is install in the top PCI Slot
5) installing the new (PCI) software before
the new card

I do not have any of Compaq's diagnostic tools
available. Save a useless trouble shooting manual.

I am sure other have had the same type of problem
and I am searching for any

Could 2000 Professional be the problem or possibly
the BIOS?

I have become quite frustrated. Any help will be
greatly appreciated.

Danny Greaves

Sounds like you would have found the setting if it was in your bios software.
My 'guess' is there must be a jumper on the main board. Check the Compaq web
for main board jumper information.


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