Updating win 98 from IE5.x to IE6 SP1



After installing IE6 Sp1 i can´t connect to The internet. It´s like IE6 and the modem lost "contact" with each other

Modem: USRobotics internal Winmodem. The modem is linked with a cable to a sound card (Aztech)

Can anyone tell me wha´t the problem is and what is needed to resolve it


PA Bear

To assure a clean install, your anti-virus application should be disabled
and all other running processes closed before installing from anything,
including Windows Update.

Try overinstalling IE6-SP1:

First, close *everything* via CTRL+ALT+DEL except Windows Explorer (includes
your AV program, Scheduled Tasks, Screensaver, and going offline).
Start>Run>IE6Setup.exe. Select Minimal - Custom; Select all the parts you
use, including OE (but none you didn't originally download) and overinstall.
Should take about 2 minutes. Reboot the computer.

Important! With AV and all other running processes still closed, make sure
to check in at Windows Update for additional updates and patches.
HTH - Please Reply to This Thread

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

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