Updating quanity of inventory automaticly



I am the manager of a small warehouse and am using a access database that a
former colleage wrote to track inventory. I would like to modify what he has
written to be able to modify the inventory count by typing into a field and
having the database do the math for me. The current setup has the inventory
count unlocked so that I manually do the addition or subtraction then type in
the new inventory count. While not completely computer illiterate, i have
very little history with database systems and trying on my own just ended up
in a backup restore. Im sure that it has to be possible but I have no idea
how. I would appreciate any tips or advice on where to start. Thank you.


What are you typing into the "field" (Not really a field because forms have
controls, tables have fields)?
What controls on the forms are involved?
What is the math?


Actually, in looking around a bit to make sure i knew how to answer your
question without sounding like a clueless idiot I found exactly what I needed
to figure it out on my own. Its not elegent or pretty but it works. Soooo,
really without even saying anything you helped me more you appreciate. Thanks

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