Updating data in one Worksheet and propagating it to others



I have a 3 page worksheet listing all the schemas I maintain, with each page
representing a different view; by DB type, region, customer etc. Each sheet
is exactly the same except for how the data is ordered (by DB, region etc).
Is there a way that I can update the data in sheet #1 and then have it
automatically update the other two sheets? I've tried to find the info
online, no joy, and I've also tried playing around with references, but can
only get it to work for individual cells


I think the lack of responses so far indicates that you've not really
given much detail to go on. If you describe what data you have
(columns, rows, type etc), sheet names, how the data is organised and
linked, together with what you want to achieve, then it gives
respondents more to get to grips with.


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