Updating Charts with Macro



I have set up my charts so that i can update them automatically by putting
the appropriate data in the fields. I would now like to be able to update
them using a macro, but cant seem to get it to automatically go to the next
blank cell to put in the date, infor etc. Any help would be greatly
appreciated..Thank you in advance



Let me try to explain a little more I have multiple charts that have
date,sales,daily difference. I run one report from Acess that I import into
excel using transferspreadsheet. Once this is in Excel I would like to run a
macro from this one report that would update all of my charts. I can get the
macro to put information into the chart data tables but I cant only get it
to go to the same empty cell everytime where I would like it to go to the
next empty cell so that I could update daily automatcially. I hope this is
clearer, as you can tell I am very new to this and am trying to slowly
learn. Thank you again.

Jon Peltier

Chris -

Okay, I still don't know where your data is stored, but I can suggest a
way to refer to the next empty cell.

If you want to put a value into the cell after the last non empty cell
in column A, you refer to the empty cell as:

Dim rngNextCell as Range
rngNextCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(65536,1).End(xlUp).Offset(1,0)

- Jon

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