Update Timecard to new year



I'd like to update a time card file to the 2008. It contains 26 worksheets,
each worksheet contains 14 dates.

For example 1/2/07 would become 1/1/08. For dates after Feb 28th, for
example 3/5/07 would become 3/3/08.

Is there a formula that would make these conversions? Sounds like I'd need
one for before Feb 28th and a second for after Feb 28th.

Thanks in advance.



This is real easy. You don't have to worry about leap year. Just add 364 to
the date. the string on the wroksheet name has to be a valid date format
that excel recognizes. I named my worksheets 1-2-07 (you can't use slashes
in worksheet names like your example. This code will work real well.

Sub update()

For Each ws In Worksheets

WSDate = DateValue(ws.Name)
NewWSDate = WSDate + 364
NewWSName = Format(NewWSDate, "mm-dd-yy")
ws.Name = NewWSName
Next ws

End Sub


Thanks, Joel. I actually needed to change dates within the worksheet--not
the worksheet name. The dates are formatted as d-mmm.


Hi again,
I actually got it.
Enter 364 in an empty cell
Copy that cell: Edit>Copy
Now, select the range of cells you want to increase
Then do: Edit>Paste Special>add>OK
reformat cells to desired date format

Clear the 364 from the cell.

No programming necessay!!


I told you it was EASY

EllenM said:
Hi again,
I actually got it.
Enter 364 in an empty cell
Copy that cell: Edit>Copy
Now, select the range of cells you want to increase
Then do: Edit>Paste Special>add>OK
reformat cells to desired date format

Clear the 364 from the cell.

No programming necessay!!

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