UPDATE - Re: Windows Xp Pro SP2 - problem with browsing and email



Original problem
After upgrading to Win XP Pro and SP2 I have a problem with the internet
connection being unavailble to the browser or email software after a
short time.

1) Dial up is not a problem, makes the connection every time

2) Browser connect to internet is not a problem but after a few pages I
get a 'page not found' as if there is no connection.

3) Checking with the modem diagnostic software it appears to be a still
active connection

4) Once the problem appears and I cant browse the only solution is to
close the connection and reconnect.

Same with email, if I connect and download mail its fine, do it again
and it cant find server, disconnect and reconnect solves it again.

Connection is still active as I can ping and the modem diag software
shows an active connection.

Disabling the DNS client services did not work. After speaking with BT
tech support, who grudgingly said that MS appear to have some network
issues with SP2. I then spoke with MS tech support who also mumbled that
there are a number of issues with ISPs (not sure that what what she
meant) and they are currently looking in to related tech problems.

So for now other than removing SP2 and I'm not sure at this point if
that alone will cure th eproblem I am stuck with it.

Can SP2 be removed in one step via the control panel?


Robert L [MS-MVP]

when having the problem, can you ping a public ip like if yes, can
you ping yahoo.com? if not, what's the result of nslookup?

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