Update Panel dosen't works with UrlRewriter.Net




I've a web app, with multiple user controls on my page myPage.aspx.

I've used Asp.net 2.0 ajax update panel which partially updates its
contents on a command button click, due to this I dont loose my data
loaded on the other user controls on the page.

I've implemented UrlRewriter.Net in the same application, since then
the update panel have stopped functioning,
i.e. I am loosing the data on the other user controls (the whole page
is posting to itself insted on just the Update panel) on click of
command button.

Can any one please suggest, why Updatepanel's behaviour have changed
after UrlRewriter.Net implementation???

Michael Nemtsev

Hello suddy,

why not to ask UrlRewriter.Net guys about this? :)

Michael Nemtsev [.NET/C# MVP] :: blog: http://spaces.live.com/laflour

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" (c) Michelangelo

s> Hi,
s> I've a web app, with multiple user controls on my page myPage.aspx.
s> I've used Asp.net 2.0 ajax update panel which partially updates its
s> contents on a command button click, due to this I dont loose my data
s> loaded on the other user controls on the page.
s> I've implemented UrlRewriter.Net in the same application, since then
s> the update panel have stopped functioning,
s> i.e. I am loosing the data on the other user controls (the whole page
s> is posting to itself insted on just the Update panel) on click of
s> command button.
s> Can any one please suggest, why Updatepanel's behaviour have changed
s> after UrlRewriter.Net implementation???

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