Update OLE links, linking to Excel



Hi, I need to update a ppt file full of bad OLE links and I can't find a
macro that works for these links. The OLE objects are microsoft graphs
pointing to an excel datasheet. Thanks in advance


Thanks John, but I already tried it, It displays the msg Done but the bad
links remain the same.


You did save the file , reopen and allow links to update? (soory but I dont
know how competent you are!)

You could try stepping through the code with f8 to make sure its going round
the loop etc

Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


Yes John, I saved the file and re-opened but to no avail. When pressing f8,
it doesn't give any errors in VB Editor

Shyam Pillai

Are these Excel charts or the PowerPoint charts? If these are PowerPoint
graphs which have an Excel source then you are out lot luck, the object
model does not allow access to the source. You would have to do it manually.

Shyam Pillai

Image Importer Wizard

Steve Rindsberg

Hi, I need to update a ppt file full of bad OLE links and I can't find a
macro that works for these links. The OLE objects are microsoft graphs
pointing to an excel datasheet. Thanks in advance

You'll have to do it manually, I'm afraid.

MSGraph will tell you that a graph has links but won't tell you where the links
point or let you change them via macro.

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