Update databases



Before I spend time developing something, does anyone know of a tool or code
I can use to automatically update an MDE to a new version. Basically do a
compare of objects and import new ones from a file. Want to be able to send
to clients and let them run it so I can bring them up to the latest version.

Would also be interested in anyone who has experience of doing an online
check for new versions of an Access database. Google did not throw up
anything of interest.

John W. Vinson

Before I spend time developing something, does anyone know of a tool or code
I can use to automatically update an MDE to a new version. Basically do a
compare of objects and import new ones from a file. Want to be able to send
to clients and let them run it so I can bring them up to the latest version.

Would also be interested in anyone who has experience of doing an online
check for new versions of an Access database. Google did not throw up
anything of interest.

You should absolutely use a split database, with the tables in one shared
"backend" database and the forms, reports, queries etc. in a separate
frontend, with links to the tables. This is essential in a multiuser database,
but in your situation it's a good idea too. When you have a new form or
report, the user can simply delete their frontend (there's no data in it after
all!) and replace it with the new one.

Tony Toews has an automated frontend update which will simplify this process;
see http://www.granite.ab.ca/access and look at his Tips and Best Practices


Thanks John. I have a split database. Was looking to possibly do a couple
of things.
- When the program is opened, check a web site to see if updates available.
Maybe use an ftp download of a text file to check version number???
- Download an update if necessary.
- Check MSysObjects DateUpdate to see if objects need to be replaced.
- Delete objects and import new objects from the downloaded files.

Will check out the database on Tony's site. Maybe I am being too ambitious
but it would be a nice little utility to handle updates.

Neville Turbit

John W. Vinson

Thanks John. I have a split database. Was looking to possibly do a couple
of things.
- When the program is opened, check a web site to see if updates available.
Maybe use an ftp download of a text file to check version number???
- Download an update if necessary.
- Check MSysObjects DateUpdate to see if objects need to be replaced.
- Delete objects and import new objects from the downloaded files.


If you're downloading an updated frontend, *simply delete the old frontend and
start using the new one*.

The frontend doesn't contain ANYTHING that the user has entered. The data is
all in the backend. There's no need to import anything.


Thanks John. Agree with your comments. I was trying to be a bit too clever
and do it all from within the application. Just download a smaller file with
the changed objects and import those.

Working on a function to check online for the current version and decide if
something should be downloaded. Well progressed on this and should have it
working today or tomorrow.

Thanks for your help.

Neville Turbit

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