Update a autofilter sheet from another sheet



I have a sheet that has detail that has an autofilter. I can filter on name
and copy over their detail for their review. I want to see if I can on
another sheet have a list of all the names so they can use the dropdown ,
click a button that will go to the other sheet, filter by their name and copy
their data over to their own sheet.

I can see how to do it if I want to create a macro for each name, but I was
thinking if I had a drop down then the name would feed into the macro to
filter on that name, it would be easer?

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 6/17/2008 by DON SMITH
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Don"
End Sub


Yea , found a way around. I can update a pivot table field , then when you
double click on the total cell, it will create the detail for what you have

Selection.ShowDetail = True

I can live happy now..

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