Unwanted program at start-up



Every time I open Windows Media Player 11, the program wmpnscfg.exe, "Windows
Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration" is set to run at
start-up. How can I stop this from occurring

R. McCarty

If it's not a feature you're likely to use or want in the future:
Click Start, Run (type) Services.Msc [Enter]
When the console view opens click the "Standard" Tab at
the bottom of the pane. Locate the service in the listing.
Right Click, Take Properties and set "Startup Type" to be
disabled and the click the "Stop" button below.

Wesley Vogel

Either delete WMPNSCFG.EXE and/or delete the start reference in the

WMPNSCFG.EXE = Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration

It is used to share Windows Media Player libraries.

It starts from...
Value Name: WMPNSCFG
Data Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\WMPNSCFG.exe

New Files I Delete:
wmdbexport.exe..MLS Dbexport DLL
wmpnetwk.exe....Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
wmpnscfg.exe....Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration
wmpnssci.dll....Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Control
Interface DLL
wmpshare.exe....Windows Media Player Folder Sharing Executable
Trimming The Fat From Windows Media Player 11

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Very clever. Thank you R McCarty

R. McCarty said:
If it's not a feature you're likely to use or want in the future:
Click Start, Run (type) Services.Msc [Enter]
When the console view opens click the "Standard" Tab at
the bottom of the pane. Locate the service in the listing.
Right Click, Take Properties and set "Startup Type" to be
disabled and the click the "Stop" button below.

peterhm said:
Every time I open Windows Media Player 11, the program wmpnscfg.exe,
Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration" is set to run at
start-up. How can I stop this from occurring


ok i need help every time i log on my name or any other name windows updater
pops up and says and unidetntified progam wants to access your omputer and i
click allow, but nothing hapenns my taskbar doesent pop up or anything so a
did ctrl shift esc and manually started internet and stuff. ive heard that
windows defender can stop start-up programs, but ive removed windows defender
from my computer but its still on and i cant fully romove it or re-download it

R. McCarty said:
If it's not a feature you're likely to use or want in the future:
Click Start, Run (type) Services.Msc [Enter]
When the console view opens click the "Standard" Tab at
the bottom of the pane. Locate the service in the listing.
Right Click, Take Properties and set "Startup Type" to be
disabled and the click the "Stop" button below.

peterhm said:
Every time I open Windows Media Player 11, the program wmpnscfg.exe,
Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration" is set to run at
start-up. How can I stop this from occurring

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