Unrecognized Database Format



I use Access 2002 to run two main database files. I recently purchased a new
computer and when I attempted to open one of the database files, I received
an "Unrecognized Database Format" message. The other database opens fine and
I can't figure out how to remedy the situation. Has anyone had a similar
problem and found a way to be able to open the database file?

Ron Hinds

You need to do Compact and Repair on it (Tools | Database Utilities |
Compact and Repair).


Thanks, Ron. Unfortunately, I already attempted to do that and received the
same "Unrecognized Database Format" message. I have a feeling somehow the
original file became corrupted, but I can still open the file on the old
computer. That is the puzzling part.


Thanks again for the advice, Ron. I went back to the old computer and copied
the file again to the new computer. This time, the file opened correctly.
Originally, I had backed up the Access files on an external hard drive and
simply restored the files to the new computer. Something in that process
must not have gone right. Anyway, it is fine now.

Thanks again,


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