Unprintable Characters in Folder Names



Some idiot put folders on my ftp site with unprintable
characters in the folder names. Now I cannot delete the
folders in Windows XP. Is there a solution?


Some idiot put folders on my ftp site with unprintable
characters in the folder names. Now I cannot delete the
folders in Windows XP. Is there a solution?

Some suggestions:

Click on the folder with explorer and press shift-del.
Move the good files out of the parent folder and delete the parent folder.
Drag and drop the folder into a command prompt, then type "del" on it.
If you can copy the name onto the clipboard, paste to a batch file.
Log in to your ftp server and delete it using the client.
If it's a Junction file, try turning off the TrkWks service.
Reinstall your FTP server.

Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Error Reporting -> Choose Programs
-> Do not report errors for these programs:



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