unlock computer



When I try to log out so that some else can log into there desktop it say it is locked and only an admistor can unlock it. I have no password and when I just hit ok it goes back to my desktop. I have tried to put in a password and nothing. What did I do to lock it into my desktop?? Thanks for you help


Log in as administrator and right click on my computer
and click manage. Go to users and groups. Show the
properties for the user you are having trouble with.
Deselect the disabled account checkbox and the account
lockout checkbox.
-----Original Message-----
When I try to log out so that some else can log into
there desktop it say it is locked and only an admistor
can unlock it. I have no password and when I just hit ok
it goes back to my desktop. I have tried to put in a
password and nothing. What did I do to lock it into my
desktop?? Thanks for you help!


It will not let me log out to log in as adminstor. When I go to my computer there is no manage...just all the user groups. I left clicked and went to properites and there was nothing to unlock the access. I am sorry. I just can't get to where you want me to be. Please help! I am also having trouble bring up these replies if you can...not sure you can email me
(e-mail address removed)
Thanks Misty


The is the box I get when I try to log out
This computer is in use and has been locked. Only the (computer's name)/myself or an adminstrator can unlock this computer

When I hit ok because I do not have a password it takes me back to my desktop. I have rebooted and all...It will not let me log out to let my other uses log in


I am in the same situation now, what did you do to unlock the computer. I don't even know how my computer locked up. Thanks



I am in the same situation now, what did you do to unlock the computer. I don't even know how my computer locked up. Thanks


Now I'm thoroughly confused. If the computer is "locked" with a
password, then how on earth did not entering a password ("...I just
hit ok and it goes back to my desktop") return you to the desktop? If
a computer is locked, you will NOT get back to the desktop by just
hitting OK; you will get an error message, then be returned to the
computer is locked dialog box.

One non-elegant solution is just to turn off the power and reboot the
computer. It will unlock it, but all unsaved data will be lost.

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