Unlock Computer Screen - User Name & Password Fields Grayed Out



In our corporate environment running Active Directory 2000 we have an
issue with a small number of Windows XP Pro SP2 systems (various
HP/Compaq models, both laptops and desktops) which were recently
RIS'ed, that for no reason lock the desktop (logged in with the local
Administrators account or a domain user account) and when Ctrl+Alt+Del
is pressed the Unlock Computer window has both the User Name & Password
fields grayed out and blank (only the "Log on to" field is
changeable). There is no Group Policy setting applied either domain
wide or local. It only happens once in a while on a very few number of
screens? Nothing in the Event Logs either (once rebooted). Only fix
is to force the system to shut down with potential data loss.

I cannot for the life of me find any reference to this issue on
Gooogle? Has anyone seen this before? And if so, what is the cause?

Mark L. Ferguson

I have seen this in various incantations of this for systems that disable the 'guest' account (Not the Guest logon on the Welcome
screen, but the actual guest account (in policy) ) This is brought on when the system also uses 'non'-simple file sharing.

How you might address this depends on what you want, but the guest account is not really that threatening for the Domain security.

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