unknown device driver error? willie?



hi, can willie or someone else who knows about this help me? I keep crashing, and I get error reports back that say that it's a device driver causing the problem,but unknown which one. I did the my computer thing that willie had suggested about not restarting on error, but now I would like to find the device driver that's causing teh problem. Is there a way to do that for someone like me who has little knowledge? I can do whatever someone tells me to do step by step, but otherwise I get a little in over my head here. is there a way to find which device driver is causing the problem and to fix it or something? any help is appreciated greatly.


you didn't mention which OS you are using, but you can find and problems by going to the device manager in Control Panel. look for a yellow exclaimation mark, then either find the driver it needs or remove it and let windows try to find it next time your reboot.

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