Unique number



I have a field in a form named batchID. When the processor logs in I would
like that field BatchID to automatically populate there user id and a number
or date . Something that can never duplicate it self.
ex. Open the form in the batch field it reads UX0152-1. They close the form
that batch will stay that number. They reopen the form and the batch field
now reads UX0152-2.
Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.

Stefan Hoffmann

I have a field in a form named batchID. When the processor logs in I would
like that field BatchID to automatically populate there user id and a number
or date .
Any suggestions?
Don't mix two information pieces into one field. It's against the rules
of normalization (1NF), see


Instead of one field use either

a) two fields, UserID and TimeStamp and display the composite, e.g. a
TextBox with =[UserID] & "-" & [TimeStamp]. Create a combined unique
index over these both fields.

b) basically the same as above, but create a new table Batch with the
fields ID, UserID and TimeStamp. ID is an auto number and the primary
key used as a foreign key reference in your other table. A unique index
over UserID and TimeStamp is also required.

--> stefan <--

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