Unique names in a list reported everyday



I have a column of names that get's updated daily. I would like to keep a tab
on unique names in the list on a daily basis. So if I look at the weekly
report, I would see how the headcount increased over time.

A few complications:
There are three worksheets. The first one is the list of names. The second
worksheet has the column that I referred to above, where users populate the
cells using a drop down list that gives them names from the list on the first
worksheet. The third worksheet is where I would like to report the trend of
unique names, in the column in worksheet 2, over a period of time.

Before I kill myself trying to figure this out, anyone has any suggestions?
Much thanks!


Does this get you to a place where you want to be?
Sub ExtractUniqueAndSort()
With Sheets("Unique List")
..Range("A1:A20").AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CopyToRange:=.Range("E1"), _

..Range(.Range("E1"), .Range("E1").End(xlDown)) _
..Sort Key1:=.Range("E2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End With
End Sub



Apologies in advance but it seems like you have a VB Script that I would
need to execute. Without having any background in VB Scripting in excel,
would it be possible for you to elaborate on how should I execute it?

I guess I should have clarified earlier. My report out is going to be
monthly and I will report the number of unique names in a column for that
day. Hence, there would be 30 columns for a month and as a result, 1 cell in
each of those columns that I would need to populate over a period of a month.

Thanks much for your effort,


Look at this:

Copy the code I gave you. Then, with any spreadsheet active, hit Alt+F11
and then click on Insert > Module and paste the code into the window that
opens. Then click on Run > Run Sub. Make sure you have a backup of your
data before doing any of this!!! You never know when you will get unexpected
results and I'm sure your data is very important.


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